Sep 19, 2010

Going into the guitar pick business!

After a slew of rave reviews over my husband's guitar picks he is making himself right now, he's decided to turn it into a little hobby/business.  So coming soon, he will have a web site to sell them from (web site designed and published by yours truly of course). 

Stay tuned for the link!!!

Sep 12, 2010

Homemade Guitar Picks

My husband sent some of his own picks out to guitar people he knows (who usually prefer their $25 Red Bear picks) and they loved his!!  He's very excited.  It'll be a hobby of his.  It's definitely not a money-making venture for him because he won't make anything off them once he considers his time spent on each one and materials...just something for him to do that he enjoys. 

Sep 9, 2010

Selling my Ibanez AEL50SERLV with vines

I have been so bad about updating this blog.  I need to get pictures of my current guitars up here.  I am also selling the Ibanez acoustic guitar I have.  I have too many guitars.  I rarely play it and it just sits not being played, all lonely.  We'll take about a $200 loss on it but our loss will be somebody's gain I guess. 

You can see it here.

If you know anybody looking for an Ibanez AEL50SERLV guitar with the vines for a good deal, let me know!

Making Guitar Picks

My husband is making his own picks now and mailing them out to people he knows on guitar forums who want to try them.  He seems to be really into it.  I wonder if he'll do anything from a business standpoint or just do it for fun.