Mar 7, 2010

New Ibanez AEL50SERLV Guitar with Vine

It's been awhile since I've updated but a lot has changed since then. I sold my Michael Kelly electric guitar to my sister (who ended up trading it in to help pay for the new Ibanez Montage she really wanted).  She sounds thrilled with the Montage so that's great.  You have to like what you play in my amateur opinion.

I bought the Takamine G Series EG440C NEX Acoustic-Electric Guitar in a very nice translucent red in October.  I posted about this one before.  It is so nice to play.  I love this guitar!  It plays very easily and being a beginner, that's important.

Yesterday, I came home with my second and last guitar.  I have always loved the look of the vines on a guitar so when we came across the Ibanez AEL50SERLV, we put it in layaway for me.  My musician husband loves the way it plays.  He said the neck plays like an electric guitar.  He asked me after we got it home which one of my guitars I like best.  I told him I need time to bond with my new guitar but I know I'll love it as much as I love my Takamine.  Isn't it a beauty?

I do not like the regular flat picks.  I use the thumbpicks, but we came across the Herco Flat Thumbpicks that feel really good and are easy to use.  My new favorite!

So, I'm good in the musical instrument department.  I have two really nice guitars and my acoustic amp to use with either guitar when I want.  Now I have to improve my actual playing (kinda important right?).  Won't do much good if all my guitars do is look good if I don't play them well.  Right now, I am trying to build the muscle memory for Am and E chords so it feels natural to play them without having to think about it and hunt for the strings.

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