Oct 28, 2009

My Takamine Plays Beautifully!

I LOVE my new guitar! My husband put on the Martin Acoustic Silk & Steel Guitar Strings for me today and I love the way it plays. I didn't have to struggle to find the right chords. The strings didn't hurt my fingers. It played nicely before the strings and now it is even better!

Got My New Guitar!!

I got my new guitar! After sitting in the music store for several hours, looking for a particular fit and sound on a quality guitar, I picked this Takamine EG440C-STCQ NEX Cutaway Quilt Top Acoustic-Electric:

It sounds really good and after my husband puts on the silk and steel guitar strings, I'll be ready to go!

I've decided to stop formal guitar lessons outside the house and have my husband give me lessons.

Oct 21, 2009

Pretty Guitar by Crafter

Here is a picture of a guitar by Crafter that I really like! It's way too much money for us but a girl can dream! Click on the pic if you want to see more details.

Another lesson, another pattern

I have another pattern to learn from Thursday's lesson (to sing with Amazing Grace) but he only wrote the pattern for one chord down, expecting me to remember the same pattern but applying them to different chords. That was fine for A, but for baby G, it's not working out so well. So, I practiced the different patterns to the extent that I could, and then worked on the blues chords he gave me to learn the lesson before and E minor that he added at this last lesson. My husband gave me the E major chord and taught me how to strum the start of a song.

I am going to ask him to please write it all down in the book for me. My thyroid disease makes my memory fuzzy so what I remember at the lesson doesn't all stick with me a few hours later.

What is probably going to happy is I'll take lessons from this man at the music store for another month and then have my husband teach me himself. He's capable of it. I just wasn't sure if he'd be able to teach me patiently and I'd be able to listen to him patiently. You know, the whole "obey" thing is a foreign concept to me.

My next lesson is tomorrow though so I have some more practice to do.

Oct 17, 2009

Luna Henna Nylon Guitar

I told you on Thursday that I would post a picture of the third Luna guitar that I am interested in seeing in person. Here it is - the Luna Henna nylon electric acoustic. They make a beautiful guitar. I just don't know how they play or how they hold up. None of the local stores have them in stock. Going to have to take a drive into a bigger city to see and play them.

Oct 16, 2009

My Birthday Present - Behringer Acoustic Amp

I needed a little practice amp (because I didn't want to use my husband's more expensive amp for practicing in case I break something). I wanted something that had a separate mic connection and its own volume control so my girls can sing along with me when I play.

My husband bought me this Behringer acoustic amp for practicing for my birthday. Now my girls sing You Are My Sunshine while I play it - all through the amp.

Boy, I really need to learn a new song!

I should have at least learned "Happy Birthday" for my birthday today.

Oct 15, 2009

New Pattern & New Song to Learn

I had another guitar lesson this morning. I have a new pattern to learn (strum, pick, strum, pick, pick...something like that). He gave me the chords to a new song. I was getting tired of You Are My Sunshine so a new one is just fine with me. Now I have Amazing Grace.

The music store owner is going to get me a price on a Luna Muse nylon electric acoustic guitar too. There are three guitars that they have that I am interested in. I showed you the Fauna Eclipse in a previous post (so pretty!). This is the second one I am interested. I'll get a picture of the third and post it too.

My husband is trying to steer me away from the Luna Guitars. He's not been happy with the reviews he's read. Definitely going to have to try them out in person to see what they're like. No online buying for these until we see what they're like in person.

Cambria Detken Playing on a Luna

Here is Cambria Detken playing a Luna guitar on Ellen show.

Oct 14, 2009

Luna Guitars

I really wanted to try out three Luna acoustic guitars. While I am learning on an electric (husband said it is easier to learn to play guitar on electric), I eventually want to switch to an acoustic.

I LOVE the look of the Luna Guitars (Fauna Eclipse, Nylon Henna and Nylon Muse). Being girly, I really love the way they look, but how do they sound? I've not seen them in person yet. I'm not finding great reviews on them online though.

Oct 12, 2009

Learning New Patterns

I signed up for guitar lessons for all of October.

The music teacher has taught me two different patterns for strumming (picking, plucking...what do you call it?). I can now play You Are My Sunshine three different ways. Boy, I never thought that would be a song I'd be learning from at my age.

I'm working on the third strum and picking pattern (kind of jazzes up You Are My Sunshine). I'm not sure what the proper word for it is but you strum the alternate string and then pick three others and then go to the bass string to play and then pick three others. He also threw in, at the last minute, three new guitar chords for a bluesy sound. He said I'm doing really good and he might be pushing me but he wanted to throw these in.

I've been practicing the new strum pattern but haven't started the new three chords yet. The kids have kept me really busy and with work...you know how it goes. I'll get my book out and work on those later before my next lesson on Thursday.